Learn NLP + Matrix Therapies with...
Participate in truly transformational personal development processes, and learn NLP and Matrix Therapies coaching modalities with Shereen Lister.
Shereen is a highly qualified and supportive trainer with over 15 years experience teaching and educating. In her time as a coach and trainer Shereen has supported hundreds of personal transformations and the learning and growth of many coaches.
Learn NLP + Matrix Therapies to...
- develop insight and understanding of your own mind, habits and patterns
- transform and remove limiting habits, beliefs and blocks from your reality
- take control over the direction of your life and set aligned, actionable goals for a compelling future
- understand how we receive and interpet information to improve your communication and relationships
- learn processes you can use to help others as a coach, strategist, healer, educator, facilator and more!
- leave a qualified and certifed NLP and Matrx Therapies Practitioner
What is NLP + Matrix Therapies?
NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) is about the study and understanding of the mind (neuro), communication (linguistic) and our beliefs, values, patterns and habits (programming).
Through studying and replicating processes and patterns of excellence, NLP seeks to help people create life improvements through understanding + change at a sub-conscious mind level.
NLP combines neuroscience, psychology, heart and mind to faciliate rapid, lasting and impactful transformations in feelings, communication, bleiefs, habits and patterns.
Matrix Therapies, developed as an extension of NLP Time Line Therapires by Australian trainer Pip McKay, uses powerful and deep processes to heal past traumas and wounds at a subconscious level AND rewire the mind to resoelve the impact of these on one’s life in the present and future.
It is a powerful modality which is only taught by a select group of NLP Trainers who have studied trough Pip directly.

Upcoming Training Dates

Oct-Nov 2024
Live Online
- 8 training blocks over 3 week period
- Live online via Zoom
- Training manuals with ready to use scripts
- Support Materials
- 3x 1hr follow up group Q&A sessions
- Certifications as NLP Practitioner + Matrix Therapies Practitioner
Early Bird Bonuses (for signups until Sept 18th)
- 2 x 1hr 1:1 session with the trainer
- OR

Feb 2025
Live Online
- 8 training blocks over 3 week period
- Live online via Zoom
- Training manuals with ready to use scripts
- Support Materials
- 3x 1hr follow up group Q&A sessions
- Certifications as NLP Practitioner + Matrix Therapies Practitioner
Early Bird Bonuses (for signups until end of January 2025)
- 2 x 1hr 1:1 session with the trainer
- OR

May 2025
In person NLP retreat
Gold Coast
- 7 days residential training onsite at venue
- 6 nights accommodation (single, twin or triple options)
- Luscious, home made, onsite meals for entire retreat
- Special treats and surprises to relax and rejuvinate whislt you learn
- Training manuals with ready to use scripts
- Support Materials
- Certifications as NLP Practitioner + Matrix Therapies Practitioner
Prices start from $6000pp triple share
Detials to follow, taking expressions of interest now via email at shereen@recastcoaching.com.au
Benefits and Outcomes of this Course
NLP is an Australian and Internationally Recognised coaching modality. At Recast Coaching, your NLP trainer Shereen is an accreditated trainer and this course meets NLP Global Body guidelines for Practitioner courses – so you can leave with confidence in techniques and certifications to coach in NLP & Matrix Therapies modalities.
You will also leave with personal growth and transformation – at a deep level. Clear limiting beliefs, sabotaging blocks, unwanted habits and understand your mind, language, values and beliefs more greatly.
NLP is also about understanding language and the mind to master effective communication – leave with a toolbag of language and communication techniques to help with relationships, sales, buisness negotations, client work, leadership and more.
Coaches also walk away with hands on coaching experience in the training and ready-to-use processes and scripts for your private 1:1 practice.

The Power of Matrix Therapies
Matrix Therapies is an powerful tool of transformation, that combines concepts of neuroscience, psychology, heart and mind.
Through using Matrix Therapies technquies we can resolve and move forward from limiting blocks, stuck patterns of self-sabotage, negative states and past traumas.
In this course you will experience these processes first hand for yourself to craete magical, impactful positive change in your life. AND you will gain experience using these processes as a coach yourself, and walk away with ready to use scripts for your own practice if relevant.
What's included in the program?
Topics include:
- core concepts of NLP
- ideal states for optimal learning and success
- build trust and rapport in relationships
- reading body language
- learning how the mind processes information and makes meaning
- learning how we store information in the subconscious and how to change our meaning and reference systems
- understanding how we create and utilise strategies for any tasks or process we do
- understanding the influence of language and powerful questions to use to discover meaning
- using metaphor, framing and othe rlanguage techniques for clear communication
- changing state through anchoring techniques
- learn how phobias are formed, and thefore how they can be removed
- integrate fractured or seperated parts of the subconscious that are creating conflict, sabotage or split decisions
- heal grief, anxiety and negative emotiional states
- resolve and remove limiting beliefs, habits and states
- resolve and disconnect from neagtive influences in your life
- learn tips for selling, negotiating and meetings to create successful win-win outcomes
- setting aligned, meaningful goals that you want to achieve
Frequently Asked Questions
NLP is an internationally recognised body of work established over 40 years ago. Although life coaching is an non-regulated industry, NLP is one of the most widley recognised coaching modalities and is highly regarded in the field.
NLP and coaching are not regulated industries, however numerous official industry bodies exist including NLPAA (NLP Association of Australia) and IICT. This training in terms of trainer qualifications, duration and content meets minimum requirements set by set by Global NLP body to allow students certification to be recognised by industry bodies.
Your trainer, Shereen, is also recognised and qualified NLP and Matrix Therapies Practitioner Trainer (with NLPAA and IICT), as well as holding a Bachelor of Education from QUT.
There is SOO much to NLP and Matrix Therapies, that in this time we barely cover the basics!
48-50 hours of live training is also the recommended training duration for Practitioner certification to be recognised by the industry bodies. We have translated this into equivalent online hours in smaller session chunks to give you time to give you time to digest, process and practice techqniues.
Absolutely! You will learn processes that you can start using with clients as soon as you complete training.
Both NLP and Matrix Therapies relate to everyday and universal concepts such as – relationships, communication, beliefs, emotions and habits.
To be certified as a NLP & Matrix Therapies Practitioner you are required to complete all the training live, to receive your certification. If you can not attend scheduled sessions live there are on occasion short ‘makeup’ sessions offered. If these are not satisfactory, or not offered for your round, you will need to make up any missed content and hours in a future round of the training with Recast Coaching.
If you wish to just learn about some aspects of NLP consider booking an educational training or workshop with us.
You will learn processes that you can start using with clients as soon as you complete training. You will also receive practice during the training in all processes – as both client and coach- and will receive copies of process scripts in your training manual that you can use with these processes outside of the training room.
Absolutely! Book a free 30 min chat with Shereen to ask any other questions you may have and to discuss if NLP is the right option for you.
Email Shereen at shereen@recastcoaching.com.au to advise of your interest and we’ll be sure to add you to a waitlist for information when the next training round is on sale. Training courses at this stage run approximately twice a year online.